Le zen
authentique est sans douleur !
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Information about our website: We made this website so as to provide information in French or other languages about our Dojo. If you are a member of Shorinkutsu-dojo, disciple of Kido Roshi and want to help us to translate documents from Japanese or English to another European language, please contact us at: contact.shorinkutsu (a t) free.fr.
Documents in
(French note : les francophones lisant
l’anglais trouveront dans ces liens une documentation qui complète utilement
celle proposée en français, très partielle)
(July 2024: A new translation of a bright video Dharma Talk 'What is the purpose of zazen' is now available.)
This audio might also be a good introduction KIDO
The dharma talk by Kido
Inoue Roshi (Zen master). (MP3 sound file)
Kido Roshi gives the dharma talks
after the meals. The dharma talks, questions and answers were interpreted in
English for the non-Japanese speaking pupils. These dharma talks are
recommended for the Zen practice beginners
A few books (The Language of Zen and Human Education Theory: A Mandala of Zen Words and Phrases; Zen and Peace; Record of Traces and Dreams: The Heart Sutra) are available only on Amazon. * * * Shorinkutsu-dojo
Since several years, there has been no religious disciple of Kido Roshi living in Europe.
The English page from the previous official website is still available on: http://shorinkutsu.com/zenenglish.html or https://shorinkutsu.com/zenenglish.html, depending on your internet browser parameters, or on archive of http://shorinkutsu.com/zenenglish.html. (updated: October 2022) For any
question, request or information, you can write to us in English or French, even Japanese, at this address:
contact.shorinkutsu (a t) free.fr or, in Japanese, by using the official one in Japan:
Shorinkutsu-dojo tel.fax: +81-846-26-1264
web message: https://www.shorinkutu.com/contact/
Copyright 2010-2022 Shorinkutsu - All Rights Reserved |